Cuba is the mother of all,
and we are her children,
precisely for her,
we must walk united.
– Armando Labrador
Our mission is to achieve lasting change towards a free society.
El Movimiento Cuba Primero es un Proyecto Político entre cuyos objetivos se encuentran:
- To gather within its ranks every person, Cuban or not, wherever they may be, who shows themselves willing to fight to put an end to the economic, political, and social system imposed on our nation for more than half a century.
- Establish alliances with other projects, parties, or initiatives that pursue the same goal and align with our vision and strategy of struggle.
Upon achieving victory, to take part in the establishment of a rule of law with a democracy where its constitution prevents the emergence of any form of oppression or tyranny and guarantees the protection and respect of all freedoms: freedom of thought, freedom of expression, assembly, association, religion, economic freedoms, political freedoms, civil liberties; in short, all rights and freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Cuba First It is an organized movement that has a well-designed structure covering the entire national territory divided into three major regions: East, Central, and West, led and represented by a coordination board composed of patriots inside and outside the island. It operates horizontally, where strategies are outlined, and decisions are made consensually.
Cuba First Movement advocates for peaceful resistance, respecting those who choose other forms of rebellion against oppression. It defends the Marti's political ideology as well as his humanistic thinking, and the legacy of the heroes and martyrs that the history of our struggles encompasses.
Programa General Del Movimiento "Cuba Primero"
El Movimiento “CUBA PRIMERO” se establece como un movimiento político en cuanto a la necesidad de elaborar un programa de gobierno que sirva como motivación y guía que inspire la lucha por la liberación de, primero, Cuba y luego como mecanismo fundador y de consolidación de la democracia en nuestro país.
Cuba First Movement
- Armando
LabradorPresident- Kativo
DisidenteTitle- MidDesigner
- MidDesigner
- MidDesigner
- Esteban
RodríguezTitle- MidProgrammer
- MidProgrammer
- MidProgrammer
Cuba First Movement
La Dirección del Movimiento Cuba Primero está compuesta por un presidente, dos vicepresidentes, un tesorero, una junta directiva que, por consenso, adoptan las decisiones más importantes.
El Movimiento Cuba Primero exige que cada miembro se deba a él exclusivamente y no militará o será miembro de otras organizaciones, partidos políticos o movimientos.
Los miembros que pertenezcan al Movimiento Cuba Primero no podrán tener ningún vínculo moral, ético, político, económico o de otro tipo con la Dictadura
Comunista Cubana.
Ningún miembro del Movimiento Cuba Primero podrá hacer uso del nombre de la organización para difundir o promocionar mensajes de su propia agenda.
El Movimiento Cuba Primero exige a sus miembros una conducta moral, disciplina, respeto, fidelidad, valentía y solidaridad de cara a las relaciones interpersonales, así como la imagen pública de la organización.
En el Movimiento Cuba Primero todos los cargos y funciones se adquieren por méritos y en función de sus conocimientos, habilidades y capacidades
comprobadas, para realizar un trabajo en igualdad de condiciones.
El Movimiento Cuba Primero realizará colaboraciones en actividades con otras organizaciones siempre que sean en beneficio mutuo y por la libertad de Cuba.
La Dirección del Movimiento Cuba Primero, a propuesta fundamentada de uno o varios de sus miembros, determinará y aprobará a los nuevos miembros.
El Movimiento Cuba Primero no aceptará, en ningún caso, la discriminación por razones de orientación sexual, religión, raza, sexo u otros actos que denigren la condición humana.
El estricto cumplimiento de estos Estatutos será facultad y prerrogativa de la Dirección del Movimiento Cuba Primero y sus acuerdos y resoluciones son de obligatorio cumplimiento e inapelables.
Join us, we're waiting for you!
In the Cuba First movement, it is our standard that each member should be doing what they do best and striving to become more comprehensive and capable every day. Growing in members, organization, discipline, training, among other things, characterizes us.
Coordination Board
Cuba First Movement
Our Members
The Cuba First Movement on the road to freedom operates as follows:
This board is composed of individuals who demonstrate the most organizational capacity and leadership, chosen for their merits, and they are responsible for coordinating and ensuring the completion of scheduled activities, each in their assigned region or province. The Coordination Board also functions as a council where all matters of major interest are analyzed and decisions are made.
They are all those who, proposed by the coordinators or other members and approved by the Coordination Board, become part of the movement under the supervision of the coordinating team of the region to which they belong.
This is the option that allows any organization, party, movement, project, or independent personality to join efforts with the Cuba First Movement without giving up their own project or organization. The only condition that the Cuba First movement demands is to coincide with our methods and strategies of struggle, as otherwise contradictions would arise.
Regional Coordinators
Join the conversation and be part of the change.
Zona Occidental
Join the conversation and be part of the change.
Zona Central
Join the conversation and be part of the change.
Zona Oriental
Join the conversation and be part of the change.
Members in Exile
Join the conversation and be part of the change.
Associate Members
Join the conversation and be part of the change.
Join the conversation and be part of the change.